Good Neighbors
I've traded favors with the Martin family a number of times but I'm the recipient more often than not lately. It was a joy to learn about...
Not a Lament-Ode to a Summer Kitchen
The summer kitchen had its day in the was time to say goodbye. Click here
Barefoot in the Garden-and Potlucks?
Recalling a friend who I've lost track of. Click here
I Love Doing These Crop Reports...
For a glimpse into crop progress in my neck of the woods click here...
Cow Tipping Is Bull
What was the best part of writing this? Contacting Dr. Scott Poock, a friend and former Veterinarian to get his perspective on humanely...
Invoking Steinbeck
These Penguin Classics fit in your back pocket real nicely. Glad to weave some Steinbeck into a column here