Germinations 2.0 is in print and available soon.
Playing Bach at Harvest Time
I close the window to quiet the wrens
and sit at the kitchen table
my fingers stained with yesterday’s hay
work the ebony fretboard
the e minor progression says politicians
never lie and droughts will end
then the dow falls and tires melt
in the blistering streets of Delhi
grace notes from the soundhole
pour down to the cupped ears
of mice, the great listeners
in the walls of my farmhouse
my Leo Kottke hands play Bach’s Bourree
the guitar says don’t work today, stay in & play
these six strings that say no one must die
while the hayfields wave an ocean of hands
beckoning me to harvest
Published in the March 2017 Issue of Midwest Review
The Chrome Box Wrenches
after William Carlos Williams
many turns hinge
the chrome box
casting hard black
upon the work shop