Where's My Chore Gloves?
Thanks to Jeremie and Ellen for Sharing Their Story With Me
Check out Laxey Creek Sheep Ranch in Mineral Point, Wisconsin. https://agupdate.com/agriview/news/crop/from-switzerland-with-love/article...
We're Roaring Through the "Haefast" Month
The Varied Skies of August Are Etched Upon My Mind
Let the Bumble Bee Be
The only thing great about our silly Nation is Pollination! https://agupdate.com/agriview/lifestyles/from-the-back-paddock/article_034996...
Confessions of a Tick Magnet
My Cup Overflows
Winnifred! My newest grandsweetheart...https://agupdate.com/agriview/lifestyles/from-the-back-paddock/article_0e1757a2-c372-5005-88cf-6be...
I'm Not the Least Bit Bitter About My Encounter With an American Bittern
A marsh loving creature...wild blueberries coming on its left. A very secretive bird. How I spotted it? I'm in tune... Adios Amigo...
Celebrating My Independence
Lilies, Flip Casts, Where the Big Guys Hang, Sparkling Gems, Sisters and In-laws Ever wade through chest high Lilies to untangle a Bass?...
All Signs Fail...
In some years it's true...https://agupdate.com/agriview/lifestyles/from-the-back-paddock/article_5c2dff78-58dd-53be-b966-dab17377b77a.html